One of the definitions of SW architecture is “A series of related, contextual and logical decisions with trade off analysis “. According to Martin Fowler “An architect should take only those decisions which are of high undo cost”. Normally an architecture decisions are taken in VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) world. Moreover, most the architecture decisions need to be taken in a group. Hence, it is necessary that architecture should have a framework for architecture decision making which can be easily used by individual or a group. 6 thinking hat is a framework invented by Dr.Edward De Bono. Dr Bono is one of most profound thinker of the 20th century. Each hat represents a particular perspective through which we look to the various aspects of the decision. The summary of the perspective represented by each hat is give below
Blue Hat: Initiation and Overview
White hat: Relevant Facts and information
Red hat: Human dynamic – Emotions, Feelings,
Yellow hat: logical thinking
Green hat: Creative thinking
Black hat: Risk identification
Blue hat: Conclusion and summary
I strongly recommend that you go through 6 youtube video’s in which Dr Bono himself explain 6 thinking hats framework. The further details of each of the 6 hats are given in the table later.
The essence of 6 thinking hat based decision making is that it replaces argument based thinking with Parallel thinking.

When we indulge in argumentative thinking, ego’s come into the picture. At the end of the argument, some group members do not really accept the decision in their heart. While parallel thinking means that at any given time, everyone wears only one hat. For example, black hat represents risks and their consequences. The key is that each member wears black hat when risks are being discussed. Nobody is supposed to talk about any think other than risk identification as along as he is wearing black hat. This lead to parallel thinking. While doing parallel thinking, each group member demonstrates its thinking capability in identifying risk rather than countering some other member point of view. Hence, egos don’t come into the picture. The greatest advantage of parallel thinking is that by the time, we have gone through all the 6 hats, Decision is self-evident. So, nobody is looser, irrespective of the decision made. Another advantage is that all the group members are more likely to own a decision arrived via parallel thinking than the decision arrived after an argument based thinking.
6 hat thinking and decision making can be done in individual or group mode as long as we follow following simple rules
1. Use the framework in time box and iterative manner. You can have iteration at individual hat level and also at all 6 hat level
2. Use parallel thinking in place of argumentative thinking.
3. Asked context based questions in each hat
4. Delay the final decision to the next responsible moment.
Hats can be used in any order but in most of the scenario, using blue hat in start and end will help.
How 6 hat thinking can be used for enterprise architecture, is shown in the below. Here again key is to ask right questions in the context of given hat type. Once we have the right questions, we are always likely to get right answer.
6 thinking hat
Blue Hat: Initiation and Overview
What are we trying to achieve in this specific initiative?
What are the mains Goals?
What are Non Goals?
What are the constraints and assumptions?
What are the boundaries of our enterprise?
What is in scope and what is not in Scope?
What processes we need to follow for bests results?
What are the resources we need?
White hat: Relevant Facts and information
What information is available?
What information is needed?
What information is missing?
What is the information Gap?
How to get missing information?
Enterprise Vision,Mission and Values?Goals, Objectives, Measures, Initiatives?
Enterprise Operating Model?
Stakeholders and their concern?
Processes? Entities?
Business rules/events/task?
Enterprise baseline Architecture?
Green Hat:Creative thinking
New Ideas?
Visions? Base line Architecture?
Target architecture?
Gaps?Opportunities?Mafia Offer?
How can you develop shared vision and relevant understanding among all stakeholders?
Yellow hat: Logical reasoning
Benefits? Value, Value sensitivity?
Make it work? Define base line and target architecture
Best way to bridge the gap?
Trade off analysis?
Where is the Value addition?
How does it work?
Black hat:Risk Identification
(Do not over use this hat}
What are the risks?
Risk management strategy?
Red hat: Human dynamic – Emotions, Feelings, Intuition
Intuition? How are stakeholders feeling and emotions?
What are your/team feeling and emotions?
What you can do to reduce the emotions conflict
Blue hat: Summary&Conclusion
What is the Decision?
Which stakeholder are positively impacted and which one are negatively impacted?
What is the right time to communicate the decision?
Have we covered all the scope and nothing but the scope?
What are the real value add?
Lesson learnt?Stakeholder satisfaction?
Bono further advocates that thinking is skill and like any other skill it can be learned. An architect may have high IQ/EQ but he can use his IQ/EQ only if architect have a well-developed thinking skill. The more we use 6 thinking hat frameworks, more we are likely to improve our capability to take better decisions