Showing posts with label Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Management. Show all posts

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Managers of the future

Peter Drecker was one of the most profound management thinker of the 20th century. He was first to used the word “knowledge worker”. He defined knowledge worker as the person who knows about his work than his manager”. He made another profound statement “Manager of the 20th century told workers what to do and how to do but manager of the 21st century will ask the question “. When you are dealing with the knowledge workers, you cannot tell him how to do. As a SW manager you should ask right question at the right time

  • How can i help my team in working towards a shared vision?
  • How can I help my team in understanding requirements?
  • How can I help my team to work according to agreed priority?
  • How can I help my team to communicate and collaborate in both formal and informal manner?
  • How can I help my team to do more realistic estimation?
  • How can i help my team to make on time delivery

By asking these simple questions, you can get answers which will help you in helping your team to work in a much better and effective way.